In 2003 Sweet made their first ISPO appearance, and immediately won the Brand New Award for the best newcomer. The products presented had close ties to the initial, homemade gear the boys used when exploring mountains in their youth. The importance of functionality and quality in the outdoors has from the start been a core value of the company, and a cornerstone in the design principles. A seamless flow of feel and function, distinctive in design and style.
Norwegian Design Council’s Award for Design Excellence. Both Rooster and Strutter helmets – 2001
ISPO “Brand New Award” – 2003
Playboating Magazine, ”Best piece of software of the decade” – 2004
Men’s Journal USA, ”Best gear of the year” – 2004
Norwegian Design Council’s Award for Design Excellence. Both Trooper helmet and Crusader apparel – 2005
Norwegian Design Council’s Honours Award, Trooper helmet – 2005
Norwegian Design Council’s Honours Award, Crusader Outerwear – 2005